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There is a rich man’s tuberculosis and a poor man’s tuberculosis.The rich man recovers and poor mall dies.
--Extracts from “A Plea for Early Compression
Pulmonary Tuberculosis ”written by Bethune in July 1932

    The surgeon,who can’t see the hints and an— swers that nature and the world thrust into his face should be digging ditches,not massacring the human body.
  --Extracts from“ The Scalpel,the Sword ”written by ALan & Gordon

Let US redefine medical ethics—not as a code of professional etiquette between doctors,but as a code of fundamental morality and justice between medicine and the people.In our medical societies,let as discuss more often the great problems of our age and not SO much interesting cases;the relationship of medicine to the state;the duties of the profession to the people;the matrix of economics and sociology in which we exist.   
--Extracts from Take the Private Profit 0ut of Medicine”
written by Bethune on April 17th,1936


Let us take the profit,the private economic profit,out of medicine and purify our profession of rapacious individualism.Let US make it disgraceful to enrich ourselves at the expense of the miseries of our fellow—men.Let US say to the people not一“How much have you got? ”but——“How best can we serve you? ”Our slogan should be“ We are in business for your health.”
一Quoted from“ Take the Private Profit Out of the Medicine ”written by Bethune on April 17th.1936◆◆◆◆◆

Medicine must be seen as part of the social structure. It is the product of any given social environment.
The best form of providing health protection would be to change the economic system which produces ill health,and to liquidate ignorance,Poverty and unemployment.
         一Quoted from the Scalpel,the Sword' written by Allan and Gordon.


Comrades,who fought for freedom and the future world,who died for us—we will remember you.
—Extracts from“ The Bloody Moon ”made by Bethune on Oct 24th,1936

Now,in China,the fascists’ attack has spread against nearly one quarter of the population of the earth…If the same treacherous policy of blockading the victims and making arrangement with the aggressors is continued.We may well wonder whether
any man、woman or child is safe anywhere in the world.
一Quoted from Bethune’s speech in Spain in 1937

    I refuse to live in a world that spawns murder and corruption without raising my hand against them.I refuse to condone,by passivity.or by de— fault,the wars which greedy men make against others…Spain and China are part of the same battle.
    I am going to China because I feel that is where the need is greatest;that is where I can be most useful.
--Excerpts from a letter to his ex wife Frances

    The purpose I come to China is to work in the liberated area.The current situation is SO critical,SO please send me to the front as soon as possible.
  --Extracts from“ A Night long Talk with Comrade Zhou Enlai ” written by Wang Bingnan in July,1979
  Nothing is trifling or unimportant in the work. One should learn to work  independently without unessential help.Actions speak louder than words. Words are invented to describe actions.So use them according tO their original intention.
  一Extracts from。“In memory of Bethune ”written by Zhude in◆◆◆◆◆

    As I sat in the bare room opposite Mao,1istening to his calm comments,I thought back to the Long March,to Mao as he and Chu deh had led the Communists on the great trek from the south—six thousand miles to the loess country of the hills.It was their strategy then that made it possible for their strategy now to harass the Japanese by guerrilla warfare,to nullify the effects of the invader's Superior equipment,and to save China.I now know why Mao impresses everyone who meets him the way he does.The man is a giant I He is one of the great men of our world.
--Excerpts from Bethune’s diary in April.1938

    Although Yenan is one of the oldest towns in.all china,it strikes me immediately as one of the best—run.In Hankow I found confusion indecision,de— pressing signs of bureaucracy and inefficiency.In
 Yenan there is a sense of confidence and purpose in
 administration circles.The streets are clean,teeming
 with people who seem to know where they’re going. There is a university,attracting thousands of Students from other areas.There is a newly created Medical Training sch001.There is a growing hospital and though medical facilities are primitive the government here has introduced free medical treatment for all.
--Extracts from Bethune’s diary in April.1938

  Canada must aid these people,who fought for rescuing China and liberating Asia.I know we are not rich and Spain needs our assistance indeed.But these complain less people have more urgent need to be aided.
—Extracts from Bethune’s letter to his Canadian friend written on 23th,1938

    The rich can look after themselves,who may look after the poor? Who need medicine most urgently are those who can’t afford it.
  --Extracts from“Regard me as a machine gun”written by Nie Rongzhen◆◆◆◆◆    我是来工作的,不是来休息的,你们要拿我当一挺机关枪使用。
    I come here for work not for rest.You should regard me as a machine gun.
    My coming to China not only for you,but for us.Now we aid you,and you’ll support us in the same way after success.You and me are intonation— Mists.We are congnize no race,no color,no language,no national boundaries to separate and divide
 US.I decide to fight shoulder by shoulder with Chinese comrades till we obtain the final victory of the
 anti--Japanese war.
    --Extracts from an article written by Nie Rongzhen ON May
    I am extremely lucky to be among you and work among you…I swear here:1 will fight shoulder by shoulder with Chinese comrades till we win the anti-Japanese war. 
  —Quoted from Bethune's speech at the welcoming meeting in Jin Cha Ji Military District on June 1 7th,1938

 I refuse to accept 1 00 yuan a month personally. I have no need for money as everything I need is freely supplied to me.If the money has been sent to me from America or Canada.I suggest it turned into a special tobacco fund for the wounded.
  --Extracts from Bethune’s telegraph to the Military Committee of ERA on Aug.12th,1938

  I find I can get along and operate as well in a dirty Buddhist temple,with a 20--foot high statue of the impassive--faced god staring over my shoulder, as In a modern operating room with running water, nice green--glazed walls,electric lamps and a thou— sand other accessories.The kind of life I once led was alluring,but to live up to my ideas,I'd like to say good--bye to that kind of life forever.
    —Extracts from Bethune’s letter to his Canadian friend on Aug.13th。1939◆◆◆◆◆ 
  I am tired,but I don’t think I have been SO hap— Pay for a long time.I'm content.I am doing what I want to do…I have the inestimable f6rtune to be among,and to work among comrades.to whom communism is a way of life,not merely a way of talking or a way of conscious thinking.Their communism is simple and profound,reflex as a knee jerk,unconscious as the movements of their lungs,automatic as the beating of their hearts.implacable in their hate; world--embracing in their love.
  --Excerpts from a letter to his Canadian friend on Aug.21th,1938

    It is now 3 months since I arrived in the Chin—cha—chi Military District to work with you in this
  hospital.I used to think of it as "your" hospital,now
  I think of it as "our" hospital.For between US we
  have created it.
    —Extracts from Bethune’s speech at the opening of the Model
    Hospital on Sep.15th,1938

  Let us be ruthless  in  our criticism,be cruel to personal  vanities,be indifferent to age,rank or experience,if these stand in our way.
  —Extracts from Bethune’s speech at the opening of the Model Hospital on Sep.15th.1938


  Technique is the term used,in general.to descrbe the mastery of materials and Processes. It is the most improved’ the most efficient way of doing things. So we may talk of the technique of sweeping a floor and the technique of the organization of a hospital;the technique of doing a dressing and of an operation , the technique of washing a patient, of lifting him and of making him comfortable for each of these and a thousand other procedures,there is aright way and a wrong way.The correct way is called" good technique" and wrong way,"bad technique" we must learn the good technique.
  一Quoted from Bethune’s speech at the opening of Model Hospital on SeD.15th.1938◆◆◆◆◆     我们不但需要技术,同时还需要领导人才来运用技术。我们的理想是要有一个有训练的、有责任心的、有技术的领导者。这样的一个领导者必须具备什么品质呢?他必须具备:第一,组织的能力,第二,教导的能力,第三,监督的能力。组织意味着计划——全面的计划和详细的计划。教导意味着把这个计划传给别人,把正确的技术教给别人。监督意味着经常检查计划的进展,纠正错误,以及通过实践来修正理论。最后,最重要的是工作,工作,工作。
   We need technique and we need leaders to apply that technique.The ideal is the trained,conscientious’ technical leader.What are the qualities such a leader must possess(1)the ability to organize.(2)the ability to instruct,(3)the ability to supervise.Organization means planning——planning as a whole and planning in detail.Instruction means the communication of that plan to others,the teaching of correct technique;Supervision’ means the constant inspection of the progress of the plan,the correction of faults。 the modification of theory by practice,and above all—work,work,work.
    The Army is hungry for leaders.It needs lead— ers more than it needs rifles and food.
    --Quoted from Bethune’s speech at the opening of Model Hospital Sep. 5th.1938

  The road to victory is the mastery of technique
 and the development of leaders.The mastery of technique,in the sanitary service,is the learning and the using of the technique of healing our wound— ed comrades who have fought for US.And for whom, we in return’ must fight.The enemies we fight are
 death,disease and deformity.Why must we 1earn the good technique? Because good technique in medicine and surgery means more quickly cured pa— tents,less pain,less discomfort,less death,1ess disease and less deformity.
  一Extracts from Bethune’s speech at the opening of the Model Hospital on Sep.15th.1938
    摘自1938  9月15日白求恩在晋察冀军区模范医院开幕典礼上的讲话★37页
  We must use that technique for the happiness and prosperity of the millions and not for the enrich— ment of the few.
  一Extracts from Bethune’ speech at the opening of the Model Hospital on Sep.15th.1938

    There is an old saying in the English hospitals 一“A doctor must have the heart of a lion and the  hand of a lady.”That means he must be bold and courageous,strong,quick and decisive,yet gentle,kind and considerate.
    一Extracts from Bethune’s speech at the opening of the Model  Hospital on Sep.15th,1938◆◆◆◆◆    一个医生,一个护士,一个护理员的责任是什么?只有一个责任。那责任就是使我们的病人快乐,帮助他们恢复健康,恢复力量。
   What is the duty of a doctor,of a nurse,of an orderly? There is only one duty.It is the duty to  make your patients happy,to help them in their fight back to health and strength.
You must consider each patient as your own brother or father--for he is,in truth,more than either--he is your comrade.
Patients must come first in all things.If you don’t consider them above yourself,there is no place for you in the Sanitary Service.In fact,there is no place for you in the 8th Route Army,at a11.
--Quoted from Bethune’s speech at the opening of the Model Hospital on Sep.15th. 1938

 There is no difficulty that can’t be overcome by the ERA led by Chairman Mao and the Communist Party of China.Such army is invincible.
    I came from Yenan,so I know that even chair- man Mao gets very little pay.The officers and soldiers of the ERA only receive a few cents a day for  I vegetables.I would like to live the life as an ordinary soldier in the Chinese revolutionary army.
    一Extracts from“A Noble Man” written by Lin jinliang in 1974
  I have the proud distinction.of being the oldest soldier at the front.But still I am a soldier, and shouldn't be special.Life here is quite tough and
 hard,but I am very happy.I have no money or the  need for it.I have the inestimable good fortune to be among and to work among them .
    一Extracts from“ About Norman Bethune ”by Zhou Erfu in May 1979
    An army doctor has-got to stay with the soldiers. If he loses his life,it is in a glorious cause.
    A doctor should think about your patients constantly,ask himself constantly,“Can I do more to help them? ”Thinking about this,can improve your work and make better use of your technique to serve the wounded.
  一Extracts from“ All for the wounded " written by Bethune's assistant Wang daojian◆◆◆◆◆ 
  Everyday ,a doctor must know every subtle Change on his patients,studing and thinking about it.Only by doing this,can prompt treatment be done.Of course,there are other things to do,but this can’t be forgotten.It should be carried out strictly as a rule.Regardless of doctors,nurses or political secretaries,there is a common revolutionary target—i.e.all for the.Wounded, all for class brothers,all for the victory of the revolutionar cause of the proletariat.
    一Extracts from。A1l for the wounded—written by Wang Daoiian

  When rescuing the dying and the wounded, time means life! The soldiers fight bravely in the front regardless of bleeding or death;We work in the rear.What is the matter of not sleeping for several days? Our medical workers’ greatest pleasure lies in rescuing the wounded and relieving their pain.
  一Extracts from“ Dr•Bethune and his patients ”written by Dong xingpu

    The fighting post of soldiers is the forefront, and ours is the operating table.The soldiers won’t stop fighting owing to the bombardment,nor will we. 
  -Extracts from a memorial article by Dong yueqian,Bethune’s interpreter

      摘自1938年12,El 8日白求恩日记★121页
  The time is gone when a doctor will wait at base for the patients.He should go to the fire front•
Excerpts from Beth lie’s diary On Dec.8th.1938

     I’m  O—type, Suitable to all.The fighters at the front are shedding their blood and sacrificing their lives for their country,why can’t we people of the rear give a little of our blood to our fighters?
    —Extracts from" All for the wounded "written by Wang daojian

      摘自周而复《诺尔曼•白求恩断片》一文 l89—190页
  What the CPC offers the Eighth Route Army are  not  some  superior  weapons’ but the  cadres trained through the Long March.
  —Extracts from "About Norman Bethune” written by Zhou erfu◆◆◆◆◆      在这里,我找到了最富于人性的同志们,他们遭遇过残酷,可懂得什么是仁慈,他们尝受过无穷的苦难,可是依旧保持着他们的耐性、乐观精神和静谧的智慧。我已经爱上他们了;我知道他们也爱我。
    Here I have found comrades who belong to the very hierachy of humanity.They have seen cruelty, yet know gentleness;They have endured vast suffer— ing,yet know patience,optimism,quiet wisdom,I have come to love them;I know they love me too.
    --Extracts from Bethune’s Diary on Sep.13th,1938

     摘自周而复《诺尔曼•白求恩断片》一文 189--190页
  As long as the wounded tell me“ fine” I would be extremely happy.
    Take care of the wounded like your own brothers--Treat them as what you want to be treated.
--Extracts from "About Norman Bethune" written by Zhou erfu
    No accurate registration,no accurate statistics; No accurate statistics,no correct analysis;No correct analysis,there is no correct methods.It is similar to walking with eyes blindfolded.
  --Extracts from A Noble Man by Lin jinliang ,the former president of the base hospital in Jin cha ji military region.

  A field surgeon must also be a carpenter,black— smith and barber.That is the way to be a good doctor.
  —Quoted from" About Norman Bethune ”written by zhou erfu.

    Each one must be flexible in the revolutionary struggle.One must be equivalent to several.persons. You have to be a nurse,cook,administer,liaison man and barber concurrently.Only in this way,can the work be done better;Otherwise,it will be a great loss to the work.  .
  一Extracts from a memorial article written by An zhilan, Bethune's,assistant

    I must repeat,your war is just and you are not isolated,since the people around the world support you.Our arrival is the evidence.To fight against Fascist is our joint task.
  We should treat the soldiers wounded by the fascist’s firearms;what is more,we must eliminate the wound--maker--Fascism.
  Quoted from an article written by Dong yueqian,Bethune’s interpreter◆◆◆◆◆    一个外国医疗队对你们的帮助,主要是培养人才。即使他们走了,仍然留下永远不走的医疗队。
    The assistance that a foreign medical team could mainly give is to train the people.Even if they had left,the medical team could still exist.
  Quoted from Bethune’s talk with Ye qingshan,the former minister of health of the Jin cha ji Military District in July 1939

    Without well--trained personnel is like without the sanitary organization.
  --Quoted from Behtune’s talk with General Nie rongzhen in Aug.1939

     The medical team should centralize those talented people for training,which is not only the need of war,but of the building.of a new China.
    一Quoted from Bethune's talk with General Nie rongzhen in Aug.1939

     我为伤员们感到十分忧虑,……假如我还有一点支持的力量,我一定回到前方去,可是我已经站不起来了。  。
  I am Very much concerned with the bleeding
 soldiers at the front.I must go to the front as long
 as I have the surviving strength.but I can't stand on
 my feet now.
    —Extracts from Bethune’s letter his interpreter Lang Lin on Nov.11th.1939

    今天我感觉非常不好——也许就要和你们永别了!    .
 Dear General Nie:
    I am fatally ill.—I am going to die.Please inform Canada and America of my fate.Tell them I have been happy here,and my only regret is that I shall not be able to do more…
   We need 250 pounds of quinine and 300 pounds of iron compounds each year.These are for the malaria and anemia patients.Never buy medicine in such cities as Paoting,Tientsin and Peiping again.
  The prices there are twice as much as in Shanghai’ and Hong Kong.
  The last two years have been the most significant,the most meaningful years of my life.
   …To you and to all my dear comrades.a thousand thanks…
    --Quoted from Bethune’s will to General Nie Rongzhen on Nov. 11th 1939


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